The time required to do a job = Duration
Material Quantity divided by Productivity Index = Duration (E.g. 3000 pcs of Bricks/ Bricklayer of Productivity 300 piece day = 10 days duration)
A resource loaded work program, enables the SO to check the Practicality of the duration by allowing the SO to ask STRUCTURED question & get the person who made the work program to Expose the situation.
Example. PILING WORK, Duration Suggested 12 days, SO asks - How many Piling Rigs? How many pile points? How many Pile points can be complete by 1 Rig in a day?
PI is not a fixed value
PI changes with Distance, Height, Locality, Work Culture, Race etc
Distance Increase Productivity Drops, Similarly Height increase Productivity Drops
Compensations will be needed to maximize PI with Height or Distance increase. Compensation – Usage of Machines etc
SALAM Datuk,
My gratitude to post this comment. As I am as well attached to consulting industry, project management has been the bread and butter. I assure to be enjoying your materials in the blog.tq
Walaikumsalam En Syamsul and welcome to the blog.
Your presence is always appreciated and your input, priceless
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